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6 thoughts on “Blogs

  1. April 22, 2022…Construction of a zero grazing pen for a small flock of sheep which we are planning to purchase from the northern region of Ghana, is complete. Thank you Alaji for your hard work and well laid plans. The soon to come sheep will have a thatched roof shelter, feeding area and room to stretch their legs. The material for building was donated by Alaji and all labor was done as a contribution to the project, thank you again to Alaji for his generosity and determination to see this pilot project get off the ground.
    – Stephen

  2. April 30, 2022…EMWA board of directors has asked Alaji if he would like to be our volunteer small ruminant project manager for Nkwanta…he gratefully accepted and is now making plans to go north to purchase sheep for our pilot project. Alaji has his own goats and would like to add sheep to his existing flock, by accepting the post of project manager Alaji feels he will benefit greatly from any technical, animal husbandry health related advice that will be generated through this new pilot project.

  3. May 5, 2022…Aljai travels north to buy sheep and goats at large cattle and sheep market…prices are high due to (Eid-el-Kabir) Sallah, but Alaji comes home with 2 rams, 2 ewes and 2 nannies for breeding purposes. The journey is overnight in a truck, there are no buses going that direction from Nkwanta…two days later Alaji arrives home tired…sadly during the journey home a large bag of maize split open and the very hungry sheep and goats ate more than they should have. Two days after arriving home we begin to see symptoms of Acidosis…we begin treating with baking soda. The animals begin to improve, but not after losing one ram. It is very risky buying sheep and goats at local markets, and of course there are also added problems with long distant travel conditions. Upon post mortem we found the animal had blackened lungs and its stomach cavity was full of undigested maize.

  4. May 12, 2022…One ewe around 18mths old was donated to our pilot project by a local business man. Today she gave birth to a male lamb. We also discovered to our pleasant surprise one of the young nannies is pregnant. The other nanny experienced miscarriage, more than likely due to the difficult travel conditions from the northern market, added to the lack of food during the time they left their farm in north, their time in the market and travel from the north to Nkwanta,

  5. June 03 Fence line for new project site inaugurated…photographs coming please see project farm page for photographs.

  6. July 01….livestock manager travels to nearby village to attend sheep goat auction. purchases 10 sheep and 4 goats for breeding stock. The new additions are being held at our project quarantine inspection site for the regulation 28 days before being moved to our project farm.

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